The word "Vercyb" is derived from the words "verse"
and "cyber" and is used to describe an entirely new
medium for presenting works of fiction / art
Imagine if you will, a book whose story is interactive and non-linear(such that it may be different each time that it is read, as the reader determines the progression route of the story).
Next, imagine this book being accompanied by one or more of the following : Graphics, Animation, Audio & Video.
Now Imagine that this book has the potential to be updated, modified and expanded at will by its author(s) and that
these changes are immediate to all of its readers.
These works of fiction / art are Vercyb's.
Imagine a place that provides these works of
fiction / art free of charge to an audience of millions :-
This is The Vercyb Domain
Currently, there is only one Vercyb in the world. This is here :
Watch out for more vercyb's coming your way
courtesy of The Vercyb Domain.
These pages were produced at :
Tony Hales :
Concept & General abuse
Adrian Rutter :
Computer graphics, HTML programming & cups of tea
Mel Jones:
Literary genius & Author of the non-linear story
"Night Visions"